Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This is a FUN and GREAT way to store your child's books!

They can be made in any color or design to match your child's room!
They come in 3ft, 4ft or longer if you like!
Price start at $30 and go up from there!

Lens Friends

 All my Lens friends can be found on please stop by and check out the rest of them!

Getting started

I have been doing Art for as long as I could remember. When I was a little girl I loved sitting with my Grandpa while he would draw photos of people. I took up drawing in high school and fell in love with it. By my senior year I had 3 blue ribbons and 2nd place winnings! After hight school I started working out side of just drawing and went to doing all kinds of crafts things. I have a blast at what I do and I hope to keep adding to my amazing work! And I hope that all of you pass on my name. Thanks so much for checking out my Blog!